Monday, November 15, 2010

That time of year again

So Christmas is just around the corner, according to ebay we have 40 days until Christmas. That's not a lot. I'm sitting here thinking to myself how am I going to get the last of my gifts for people. How am I going to pay for it all. I started early this year, really early for me. I started buying and shopping back in the beginning of October. Now to some that is late others early. Next year I plan on starting earlier then this year. Someday I hope to start right after Christmas of the last year. But one small step at a time :)

I know people will still love me the same if I can't get them a gift for Christmas. They will still care about me. But at the same time I will still feel bad. I like giving gifts to people, I like to watch them open them and see that they got what they wanted, what they asked for. But this year I'm a little worried about doing that, and seeing that.

Maybe this is God's way of showing me to get back to basics. What I mean by that is get back to the real meaning of Christmas. The birth of Jesus Christ. He is the real reason we celebrate. Not the gifts, and all the food. He should be the main reason, and family should be next.

So I'm putting it in His hands, a way to pay for the gifts that I still want to get for people. I'm leaving it up to Him to help me either find a way to pay for them, or to give me an idea of something to make that wont cost me anything or very little.

What is your reason for the holiday season?

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