Thursday, September 15, 2011

We have a kitchen!

So the kitchen is put together finally. Working stove, dishwasher and fridge. Only have our glassware, mixer, and bread machine to dig out and then I think the whole kitchen is unpacked. Right now we are on the hunt for a wood burning stove. I think we may have found one but they said they would not hold it for us until tomorrow so I have to call when we leave in the morning and see if they still have it, it's on the way out to my parents house where we are going tomorrow already.
So this weekend will be as follows, Friday going to my parents house to get more of our stuff and borrow a ladder. Saturday cleaning out the gutters before all the rain gets here for the year, this is Oregon after all. Sunday my birth grandparents are coming over to see the house for the first time, and take a look at everything, plus my birth grandpa was a contractor and said he can give us a hand with our bathroom remodel when we start it.
So we have a lot going on, oh and we still have to finish painting Ross's room before he gets home from Idaho this next week. We will get there and we have all the time in the world to put everything together.
Oh and the kitchen is put together but I'm STILL scrubbing the faces of the doors and everything. Plus once we get the house all put together then we will be packing up one section at a time and sanding it down to paint it. Oh it never ends it never ends.