Thursday, July 30, 2009

Moving around

So today Pat and I moved our bed into the downstairs living room. The kids now have their own room. The main reason for this is because the kids where keeping Pat up at night, and he was having a hard time waking up for work on time. Thus the reason he was late to work two times this week. Oops. I have to get used to this because I will have to be more quiet at night now. I can't sew at night like I used to, I can't keep the light on to read anymore. So I will have to adjust. I know it will be for the best but it will take time.

Since living with my parents we have all had to make sacrifices, I'm trying to make the best of the situation. We all have our hard times and yes we get on each others nerves a lot. But we know that this is for the best for our family. We are trying to make it though theses hard times just like everyone else out there. We do plan to buy a house that is more set up for two families living together somewhere down the road. But who knows how long that will take. Until then we just have to make due with what we have here and now.


Well for the second time this week Pat woke up late for work. Today I'm pretty sure the problem was Ross messed with the alarm clock. I feel really bad for him, because he really tries to make it to work on time everyday. His job is on a points system and since he has now reached 8 points he will be suspended for one day. If he reaches 10 points he will be fired. With the way everything is right now, losing his job would be devastating. I'm trying to help him wake up in the morning, I even started sleeping on the other side of the bed so that Pat wont just shut the alarm off in his sleep. He has done that before more than once. I feel awful about this this morning, so much so that I can't fall back asleep yet. And trust me I need to go back to sleep if I'm going to be able to chase the kids around today. So if anyone has any ideas on how to help Pat wake up better in the morning, please please leave me a comment. We need some new ideas so he does not lose his job.