Monday, March 15, 2010

Out with the old, in with the space!

So this last weekend Pat and I spent the whole weekend cleaning out the downstairs garage. We got about half way through the whole thing. Still have a lot more to do this week and next weekend. So far we have loaded the explorer up two times packed as full as possible, I could not see out the back and barley out the side window, two times and it's loaded again right now to go to Goodwill. Plus I have at least another half a car load waiting to go as well.
It feels good to get rid of all that junk, crap, and stuff that has been sitting there for years not being used. Some of it was our stuff some was my parents and some was my Grandma's.
When Pat and I moved in here we were only planning on being here for about three months, well two and a half years later here we are. And now we are going to be living with my parents until the end, as in until they pass or can no longer be cared for at home. It's not the easiest thing in the world but we make it work. Thank goodness I have the most wonderful in laws anyone could ever ask for. They take the kid(s) for us all the time to help us out and give us all a little break. Like they are taking both kids this coming weekend so that Pat and I can finish the downstairs garage and then hopefully get started on the loft down in the trailer barn at the bottom of the driveway.
Since most of the items that we want to take to Goodwill are already gone, we now are left with trying to sell some of the bigger furniture that we have down there. I.E. two kitchen tables a few night stands, one end table, and two dressers. But once those are gone, man I can't wait to see how much room we will have in there. Yet we will just be filling up back up again with more furniture that is in the downstairs. Oh well, at least that furniture we will be keeping but it's just in the way right now.
Well I'm off to put the kids down for a nap and back out to the garage I go, can't stop now I'm on a roll and want to get it finished.


So my Dad has been in rehab for a few days now, sadly I have not been able to make it into town to see him but hope to soon in the next few days. My Mom said that he is walking so much better it brought her to tears. And that was just in the hospital, so I'm sure he could be walking even better now than he was in the hospital. He was also able to pick up paper clips with his left hand and drop then into a cup.
They said he would probably be in rehab for about one to two weeks, then continue PT at home. We are hopping his insurance will pay for his PT to come to him at the house. It would just make things so much easier on everyone around here. But if not then we will work out a schedule to take him into PT as much as he is needing to go.
With my Dad being a very private person, if you want to know something very funny that he did you should call him. Ask him about speaking spanish he will know what you are talking about. And if he does not know, i.e. playing dumb, just give me or my Mom a call and we will be more than happy to fill you in.