Saturday, November 13, 2010

The couch is my new best friend

So I started feeling a little run down a few days ago and it's gotten worse everyday. I have a head cold and I'm pregnant oh joy. There is not much that I can take to get relief so I sit here and suffer. Pat just called saying he is feeling like poo now as well. So that means he gets to rest and I do not. He is the one that has to go to work, and only has maybe one day of sick pay saved since the last time he got sick. So right now I just wanna cry. This might sound odd but for once can't I be sick and be taken care of. Where no one else is sick just me. Yes I'm sure most are laughing right now, and if I read someone saying this I would probably laugh just the same. But gosh darn it he always gets sick when I'm sick. I should expect it and I do, but I also just wanted to whine a little :)

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