Monday, January 17, 2011

So here it is

So we are moving. Pat's job is moving him to Spokane WA. We will most likely be moving in June of this year after the baby is born. This is a big change for our family but we have complete faith in God that He is guiding us on His path. This is going to be a good thing for our family. I'm not looking forward to moving away from all our friends and family, but I am looking forward to the next chapter in our lives. I will write more about details as we know them. But for right now we know that we are going to Spokane WA in June.

1 comment:

Loving This Mom Stuff said...

We moved to Austin from the only place I had ever lived my entire life 1 1/2 years ago. It was the best decision of my life (other than marriage and kids). It certainly made my marriage stronger and I wouldn't take that time back for anything.

We did move back to "home" this month and probably won't move away again. But it was still an incredible opportunity for our little family.

Good luck!!