Friday, November 5, 2010

Christmas Shopping

So this year I'm trying really hard to get all my Christmas shopping done before December. I just finished up the kids gifts today. I got another gift card from Swagbucks for Amazon for a grand total right now of $20.00 bucks. I have gotten over $100.00 gift cards for Amazon from Swagbucks over the last year since I have been on there.
If I can get a few more gift cards for Amazon then I can start putting those towards some other people that I still need to shop for. But my kids are taken care of for Christmas this year. For next year I'm hopping to get started in January and keep it up. Also to start shopping right away for birthdays and any other occasion that I need to long before the date gets here.
In the past I was doing all of my shopping about one to two weeks before Christmas and I really felt it in my wallet. Not this year.

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