Friday, July 2, 2010

This feeling shall too pass

I feel like the worse friend in the whole wide world. My best friend loaned us some money and yes we have already paid back half of the loan. I keep telling this friend that I should be able to give them money on pay day, and like clock work every week something comes up that prevents us from payment to this friend.
I know my friend understands they tell me it's okay and that they understand that life happens. But I still just feel like dirt. This friend knows that I'm not pulling there leg and just making things up, but still I feel bad.

On another note, I found out yesterday that my aunt had a heart attack on Monday of this last week. She ended up having a triple by-pass done. If you read the last sentence carefully you will noticed that I found this out yesterday! This makes me a little angry to say the least. This is my family yet my uncle does not feel the need to contact us when things like this happen. When my mom had her first heart attack, her brother and her were not on very good terms. Yet I still made sure to call them right away when it happened. She had not even been in the hospital for a whole day when I got a hold of them. His reasoning's for not telling my mom was he felt that she had to much on her plate right now and did not want to add to it. Who the hell does he think he is, it's not his place to decide if she has to much on her plate or not! Even so if he felt that way, why could he not pick up the phone and call me and inform me of what is going on.

Today this is what I pray
Dear Lord,
Please watch over my aunt and family during this time. Thank you for watching her this far during her life. Place your hand on her family and comfort them during this time. Please help my heart and the way that I feel right now about how they have acted during this time. Please help guild me to raise my kids the way you want me to raise them. Please help me to not going insane with my kids :)

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