Wednesday, August 12, 2009


So today Ross had an interview for a preschool in town. They wanted to meet him since he will not be three by the first of September. Well after meeting with the teacher she thought he was ready. So Ross will be starting preschool next month. He keeps asking if he can go to school tomorrow. He is so excited about going to school. We went out tonight and got him his first backpack. He likes the ones with wheels on them so that is what he got. I'm waiting for his supply list and then we will go get those as well. My little baby boy is growing up to fast. Yet I know that preschool will be so good for him. He needs to be challenged, and have time to interact with other kids his own age. He will be going two times a week for two and a half hours each day that he goes. Plus it will be nice to get some alone time to spend with Peyton, and I know I could sure use the break once in a while from chasing both kids around all day. I'm happy and sad all at the same time with him going to school.

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