Friday, July 31, 2009


So I did a boo boo. I forgot about an automatic payment that comes out of our checking account and we overdrew the checking account. Yes our savings is hooked up to draw money out of it in case this happens, but in order for that to work you actually need to have money in the savings account. Go figure. So I'm going to work extra hard to get money in our savings account and keep it there. But I do know that in the past I have been able to get money into our savings and something always seems to happen and we have to use that money, and then poof it's gone faster than I could put it there. It just seems like I'm on a mouse wheel running around and around getting nowhere. I need to get off the wheel and actually start moving forward instead of running in place like we have been. It seems like we take one step forward and then two or three steps back. I know that all our hard work in keeping up with our bills, and paying on time and making more than the minimum (when we can) will pay off in the end. But it just seems like it's taking forever to get there. It just sucks that the whole world revolves around money no matter what part of the world you live in.

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