Thursday, August 28, 2008

Ross's Surgery

So my son ross has to have surgery on Sept 22. I'm not looking forward to this at all since he will only be 23 months old. He is having sugery on his pee pee, the opening is not big enough so he is having pain when he pees. He will have to be put under for this sugery and that is the part that scares me the most. I will be praying a lot leading up to that day in hopes that everything will go smooth for him. I pray that the Dr's will have a steady hand with the working that they are doing on him. I also will be praying that we can get up on time lol. We have to be there at 7am, which means we have to get up at about 4:30 in the morning to get there on time. And with both kids this is going to be fun. At least Pat has taken the day off work so that will help me out a lot with them. I love my kids more than life itself, I would do anything for them not to hurt. I'm also mad that they are making him wait as long as they are since his surgery was scd back on August 22. So that is one month of pain whiling peeing and making him wait. And yet the days are flying by as we speak. I'm hoping that after we get this problem fixed then potty training will move on more smoothly in the peeing department. Since he is pooping on the potty just fine, well if he is on a little potty that is. He will not sit on a big potty for some reason. lol.

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