Friday, February 25, 2011

Changes, once again

So our move to Spokane fell through. We had already moved back in with my parents to sell our truck and trailer for the move and had everything ready to go. We had take a four day trip to Spokane to look at apartments and see where we wanted to live. Two days after we got back if when we found out it's not going to happen. I was crushed. I had been looking forward to the move since we found out. Both Pat and I felt that this is where God wanted us to go. But God apparently has other plans for us. So we are moving forward with the selling of the truck and trailer. We have sold all our quads as well. Once everything is sold and taken care of we are hopping to be able to buy a house.
So this is where we are at right now. I have 38 days as of today until I'm full term and little Jordan can safely make her way into this world. So right now I'm just taking the time to get ready for her.