Friday, September 19, 2008


So today a little before 2pm Pats cousin passed away. This man was very close to Pat, this is the man that tought him how to hunt and fish. They spent a lot of time in the outdoors together camping and hunting and fishing. I feel so bad for Pat, we were trying so hard to leave and get over to Idaho in time to see Dan before the good Lord took him home. But we could not make it. So now we are waiting to hear when the service is going to be so that we can make it over for that. Pat is having a really hard time dealing with this right now. And in a way he said that he is glad that we did no make it over there to see Dan before he passed, he did not really want to see him like that. He wanted to remember him the way he was. Happy, tall, strong. The way he was when they were hunting or campin together. I'm so glad that back in May and July that we were able to make it over there to see him and spend time with him. And that Dan was able to play with Ross and Peyton and get to know them a little. We will make sure that Ross and Peyton know about the important roll Dan played in their fathers life. Dan helped shaped the man that Pat is today, and for that I thank him. Dan you will never beforgotten, always remembered no matter what. We love and miss you. We know that you are with out Father in heaven now, with our Maker. We now that you are no longer in pain, the cancer is gone. You have two eyes that you can now see out of. Everyting is just fine now. We will see you again someday, I know that you will have open arms waiting for us when we too come home to our Father.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Today was a great day

So today I was in on the Etsy childrens showcase. I don't know if it's from that or not but I got my first non-friend sale today. I'm so happy to have my first "real" sale. Yes the two from my friends are real sales but it's nice to have someone I don't know look at my stuff and like what they see. Like what they see so much that they buy something. I'm on could 9 right now. My prayers have been answered. I have been praying for this for a while now. Now I will pray that the person who bought my clips likes them.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


So you know when life throws you lemons you should make lemonaid? Well that's what I need to do. Ok so I guess I don't have a lot of lemons but I like the saying. So I have a funeral to go to tomorrow for someone that I used to take care of when I was a caregiver. This person will be missed but I'm just glad that they went fast so that they did not have to suffer. This person lived each day to the fullest and I know that I will see this person again. Sorry I can't say if this person was a man or a woman or anything else about them but it has to do with privacy laws.
On Saturday morning at about 4am we are leaving for Washington. We have a wedding to go to up there. I'm looking forward to seeing a lot of my family that I dont' get to see that ofton. It will be nice. But I'm not looking forward to the drive. We have been travling a lot this last summer, two times to Idaho and once to Washington. We have two family members with cancer so we are trying to make trips to go and see them as ofton as we can. We want them to be able to spend time with Ross and Peyton. I know Ross and Peyton will probebly not remember them, but they can look at the pictures we take of them and tell them who they are. Family is very important to me, and I want my kids to know that. I want them to know that most of the time friends will come and go, but your family is always there for you. Yes a lot of familys fights and don't talk, I should know mine has been like that for a long time. But when my mom had a heart attack almost two years ago, the whole family was there for her. They put all the past aside and came together in a time of need. So I know my family will be there for us when ever we need them.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Feeling a little down

I know I need to be praying about it and not complaining but sometimes you just can't help it. I have been making things and listing them on Etsy for over a month now and still have only had the two sales. Both are from people that I know. I'm very greatfull for those two sales, but I take a lot of pride in my work and want to share what with other people. I put my all into my crafts, and would not list anything that I would not put on my own kids or wear myself. I just want that first stranger sale, and wish things would pick up a little, I guess to have people who are not my family or friends that think my work is good. I did however have a ladie asking about a clip that Peyton was wearing today and I gave her my card. So I'm hoping that will work out for me. Ok done with the pity party now.

Monday, September 1, 2008