So Pat and I have been talking about trying to buy his great aunts house over in Idaho. She passed a little over a year ago this year. The house has been on the market for almost two years with no bites on it yet, he keeps telling me how much he would love to own that house and to be able to live in it with all his memories and to pass those on to our kids and possibly pass the house and land onto them as well.
After doing some thinking tonight I have decided I'm jealous, jealous of his memories. Jealous of the fact that he has a house like that to go to and even possibly own someday. See for me I don't have anything like that. I have family, but not close family like he did, they have passed on now. I had a cousin like him growing up that I hung out with, but she no longer speaks to me or anyone outside her family unit. I wish I had some sort of land, property, or house in my family that had those memories to go with it. But sadly I don't, and really that's okay. That's part of the reason I think it would be so great for us to be able to own this house and it's memories for Pat.
So we have to pray, and pray a lot. We both feel that Idaho is where we are meant to be for some reason, some calling I guess you could say. Right now we have no idea how we would make it happen to be able to buy a house like that. It's not in our budget at all. We are a one income family because we both feel it's important enough for one parent to be home and raise the kids. But if God wants us to be able to move into that home then He will make it happen no matter what.
So this I pray, that God guilds us in His ways. Shows us the path that He wants us to take. He has blessed us in so many ways already and shown us so many things. I trust him, I know sometimes I lose my trust for moments but it always comes back. I'm only human. But I do have faith in God that he will guild us and show us what He wants for us in our life here on earth.
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