Tuesday, December 16, 2008


It's been really cold here. Today it was in the 20's again and we are supposed to be getting another snow storm tomorrow, and we still have about 3" or 4" of snow still on the ground. Pat is getting some pretty bad cabin fever, and so is Ross. I'm just used to being stuck at home most of the time I guess. I would like to get out of the house, but our drive way is a sheet of ice right now so it would be better to just stay home.

You would never know that Ross had four staples put in his head last night. Today he has been running around like a chicken with his head cut off. He has even bumped his staples a few times and did not even care.

We got our Christmas tree today, no biggy lol. We are all kinda feeling bla this year and are not going all out with everything. Money is tight and it's showing on every ones faces this year. Pat has not gone to work yet this week and probably will not go the rest of the week as well. As for next week he will only be working two days because of the holiday. So money is going to be extra tight til well after the first of the year. I know we will pull though everything and it will get better. We just have to keep praying for God to guild us, and show us what He wants us to do for Him.