So as most know we are living in a 5th wheel right now. But most probably don't know that we are living in a 5th wheel with two small kids (2 and 3), two dogs, one Lab and one Pug. Also my youngest child has no interest in potty training what so ever, so she is still in cloth diapers. Yes I said cloth diapers, and yes I'm living in a 5th wheel. It's not easy but we make do.
This last weekend I was able to bring with me my sewing machine and set it up and do some sewing tonight. I bought most of my hair ribbon stuff with me as well. So might be able to start making hair bows, and woven headbands as well. These are all things that help me de-stress at the end of the day. It was nice this evening after making dinner, grocery shopping, un-packing what we brought home this weekend, and dinner dishes, to sit down and just do something that I really enjoy.
Don't get me wrong I love taking care of my family, but sometimes I just want to do something for just me, as I'm sure most moms understand :)