So we are still getting the trailer ready for winter time around here. Each step we have taken to keep it warmer and more efficient seems to be working. Our propane keeps lasting about a day longer each week every time we have done something.
I have one window sealed up and I will be working on the rest during the next few coming days (it's a pain in the butt). But I can tell it's working because after sitting next to the one window that is sealed up I no longer feel cold or feel the draft coming from it.
Next is to get the wood put up around the bottom of the trailer. We have run into a few speed bumps with this one. Right now our current speed bump is that Pat is sick so he can't be outside in the wet and cold cutting the wood. he took tomorrow off to try and rest to get better. So hopefully we will be able to get that part done soon.
So far we have gotten a new better space heater
closed up all the windows nice and tight
working on sealing the windows
got the dry air condensation trays
and getting wood under the trailer (working on it)
we also plan on getting the spray foam to put around water hoses under sinks and around the toilet where drafts could be coming in from under the trailer.