Saturday, December 20, 2008

The snow today

I have been taking pictures of the back deck today to see how the snow is building up.

KATU get over yourself

So we have Dish Network to watch T.V. and we no longer can watch KATU because their contract ran out and they want to jack up there rate and Dish said no. I don't blame Dish since they are saying that KATU wants to increase it by over 80%. But that is ABC and they have some of my favorite shows on it :( So KATU get over yourself and agree on a rate that is reasonable.

Oh the weather

So we have about 10" of snow right now. I have never seen this much snow unless I was on a mountain. :O And it is showing no signs of stopping anytime soon. It's been dumping snow since before I got up this morning and the snow flakes are getting bigger and the wind is starting to blow harder and harder. I'm really surprised that we have not lost power yet. We always lose power it seems like when the weather gets bad. I'm thankful that we have not lost power don't get me wrong, just surprised. We do have the wood stove going downstairs, trying to keep it going as much as we can if we do lose power that will help keep the house warm for the most part. I can't even see across the valley, I'm going to have to get out my rubber boots because the snow is getting so deep my riding boots that I have been wearing are not tall enough and the snow is almost to deep for them.
On top of everything else Ross has a fever. It started yesterday, so no playing in the snow for him. Yes I know mean 'ol mommy. ;P It's so much fun having two kids with snotty noses. Pat is still getting over his pnamouina and I still don't feel the best either.

Cold white stuff

So we took Peyton out into the snow for the first time the other day and she loved it. She sat there eating the snow the whole time lol. It was very cute to watch. Right now we have about 4" maybe a little more and the news is saying that we are suppose to be getting another 4"-8" by tonight. :O I can't believe that, they are saying it's been over 30 years since we have had snow like this.
Pat and I are a little worried since he was not able to work at all this last week, and he will only be working, if the weather lets him, two days this next week. I know we just need to pray and God will show us what He wants us to do. I try not to worry but sometimes I just can't help it.