So this past year I have taken a look at the people in my life. After reading a friends blog it made me think that I should put this down in words. So thanks Kara :)
I have been on a life cleaning out mood so to say. Not just friends but family as well. People who just want to use me. I have always thought of myself as a good friend, someone who will bend over backwards to help someone out. I would drop everything that I could to be there for a friend. But I have found that it really has gotten me no where with some. So I'm done. I'm done being the one they always go to, but I can't go to them when I need someone. I'm tried of being used and then set on a shelf until I'm needed again. Well I need people to sometimes, I need someone to help me out. A shoulder to cry on, a friend to watch my kids at the last moment because something has happened that is out of my control.
As for family, I sadly have some family members I no long care for really. I don't really see them in my life or my kids life. I just feel that if they can't be a positive in my life why have them there at all. I love my family and think that family is very important, but not when they just use you for things.
Some of those family members might read this and think, hey is she talking about me. Well I just might be. Maybe they will sit back and think about that for a moment.
I have lots of friends and family that have burned the bridge with me. I'm done I have washed my hands of them. Blocked them on my phone, blocked them on facebook so I no longer have to see there updates. I did not delete them because I don't like confrontation if I don't have to deal with it. Call me a baby about that I don't care, but it's for my own sake that I did not do that.
Friends on another level, there are some that I have lost touch with over the years. One person that always comes to mind is Joy. I went to grade school with her for the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade. We lost touch after I moved to Gaston. Her dad never really liked me, why I'm not sure. I was still a good kid back then, that was way before I started getting into trouble :) I have called her dads house once in a while, the number is still the same, left messages for her or her dad to call me. But I have never heard from him or her. I have heard she fell in with a bad crowd and starting down a dark road of drugs. I hope it's not true. Maybe one day I will run into her and we can catch up. But on another hand maybe it was meant to happen, all part of Gods plan that Joy and I not continue to be friends later on in life.
I do have one friend that looking back when we first met would of never of really thought that over 10 years later we would still be friends. Very close friends at that. Mostly because he found me very annoying :)Another one that strikes me is Pat. I met Pat for the first time when I was about 17. So we have known each other for 10 years. Looking back I would of never of thought that was the man that I would marry to spend the rest of my life with and have kids with. But I'm glad I did.
So if you are reading this today maybe you have some friends or family in your life that do not make you a better person. Just because you have been friends with someone for a long time does not mean you will always have to be friends. People grow up, grow apart, grow in different walks of life. Family, well just because they are family does not mean they are good and have to be in your life. Family is someone who is there for you in good times and bad. Not someone who is only there for you when it's going to benefit them.
I have lots of "family" as in people who are very close to me and I would call them for help before a lot of people who are my "family".
Who is your family?
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