Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I just talked to my Mom and she said everything went fine. They were able to do what they could, they did stop it from progressing any further and as far as how much mobility he will get back only time will tell. The doctor said that it will take from six months to one year to know how much he will get back, if any.
They are going to wait a few days with my Dad in the hospital but he will most likely be going to a rehab facility. Which I feel is for the best, that will ease the burden of what my Mom would have to do for him. Now I'm not saying that my Dad is a burden but with my Mom's health not being the greatest right now it will just be easier on her with him somewhere that they are trained and equipped to take care of someone who can't dress and bathe themselves right now. Plus I'm sure they will be able to manage his pain better than we could at home.
I do know is I know my Dad and I feel bad for who ever has to take care of him :) He can be kind of a grouch sometimes.
As of right now he is not on a ventilator but they are watching for swelling to see if he will need to be ventilated at some point.

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