Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Well it's almost 6 am and I'm up with Dixie. Most of the time Pat gets up with her with out a problem but sometimes I ask him to get up with her and I get crap from him. Um hello I'm sick right now, I have already been up twice with Peyton to feed her and she is sick right now as well. Maybe I'm overreacting but it just seems like he gives me crap about it all the time. Yes I understand that he works but he has not worked this week and probably will not work because of the weather. And for some reason it always seems to work out that when I finally get Dixie to settle back down and go back to sleep Peyton wakes up to eat. Ugh I'm just tired and I know Pat is as well, I just need to vent I guess. I just wish I knew when puppies can go all night with out having to get up to go to the bathroom lol. That will be a wonderful night lol. She is worth it though don't get me wrong, but a lot of work but all worth it. So I'm looking forward to her sleeping through the night and to stop teething lol. But when you are the owner of a puppy who doesn't look forward to that.

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