I'm a stay at home mom of three soon to be four little ones. We are so blessed to have two girls and two boys in our lives.
Monday, December 22, 2008
So today I got to get out of the house. Pat, my Dad, Ross, and I all dug my car out and put my chains on it. It took about an hour to get it out. Then Pat took it up and down the driveway a few times to make sure it could get in and out okay. Then we went to Fred Meyers to get groceries and a few other things. It was so nice to get out of the house today, my mom went with us and the kids of course. We have about two feet of snow up here right now and they are saying that we are suppose to get another snow storm on Wednesday and I'm not looking forward to that. We are going to Mike and Wendy's on Wednesday so we will be packing the car just encase we have to stay there because of the snow and weather. Better safe than sorry if you ask me.
The news is saying this is the most snow that Oregon has seen in over 40 years. I can't believe that. The snow is pretty don't get me wrong and I love it, it makes everything thing looks clean and fresh. But enough is enough, if the roads were better then maybe it would not be so bad. Going to the store was not all that bad just slow going.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Well I feel like crap, I don't have much of my voice left my head hurts and I'm all congested. And we have over a foot of snow and guess what, it's still snowing outside right now. I'm so sick of the snow I could scream. If the roads were clear it would not be so bad, if we could just go somewhere. But we are stuck oh and to boot my mom is almost out of cigarettes, and trust me that is not a good thing. She asked if we could chain up my car so she could go get some more. Um no I don't think so. I don't want to risk putting my car into a ditch for you to get cigarettes not worth it. So needless to say things could get very very bad around here lol. The news is saying right now that we are suppose to be getting more snow. Snow snow go away come again another day.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
KATU get over yourself
So we have Dish Network to watch T.V. and we no longer can watch KATU because their contract ran out and they want to jack up there rate and Dish said no. I don't blame Dish since they are saying that KATU wants to increase it by over 80%. But that is ABC and they have some of my favorite shows on it :( So KATU get over yourself and agree on a rate that is reasonable.
Oh the weather
So we have about 10" of snow right now. I have never seen this much snow unless I was on a mountain. :O And it is showing no signs of stopping anytime soon. It's been dumping snow since before I got up this morning and the snow flakes are getting bigger and the wind is starting to blow harder and harder. I'm really surprised that we have not lost power yet. We always lose power it seems like when the weather gets bad. I'm thankful that we have not lost power don't get me wrong, just surprised. We do have the wood stove going downstairs, trying to keep it going as much as we can if we do lose power that will help keep the house warm for the most part. I can't even see across the valley, I'm going to have to get out my rubber boots because the snow is getting so deep my riding boots that I have been wearing are not tall enough and the snow is almost to deep for them.
On top of everything else Ross has a fever. It started yesterday, so no playing in the snow for him. Yes I know mean 'ol mommy. ;P It's so much fun having two kids with snotty noses. Pat is still getting over his pnamouina and I still don't feel the best either.
On top of everything else Ross has a fever. It started yesterday, so no playing in the snow for him. Yes I know mean 'ol mommy. ;P It's so much fun having two kids with snotty noses. Pat is still getting over his pnamouina and I still don't feel the best either.
Cold white stuff
So we took Peyton out into the snow for the first time the other day and she loved it. She sat there eating the snow the whole time lol. It was very cute to watch. Right now we have about 4" maybe a little more and the news is saying that we are suppose to be getting another 4"-8" by tonight. :O I can't believe that, they are saying it's been over 30 years since we have had snow like this.
Pat and I are a little worried since he was not able to work at all this last week, and he will only be working, if the weather lets him, two days this next week. I know we just need to pray and God will show us what He wants us to do. I try not to worry but sometimes I just can't help it.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Cabin Fever
So since Saturday the only place I have gone is the ER with Ross, and looking outside I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. We have already gotten more than 3" of snow today alone, not to mention that we already had about 4" before it started snowing this morning and it's not stopping anytime soon. But at least both of the kids, Pat and Dixie are all sleeping woohoo. It's so white out i can't even see across the valley, I can't see the Moreno's house. So needless to say I'm board. I have made hats, I have bread rising, I do have some cookie dough that needs baking. But I want out of the house. Okay going to pull my hair out now, I will blog more later.
Well it's almost 6 am and I'm up with Dixie. Most of the time Pat gets up with her with out a problem but sometimes I ask him to get up with her and I get crap from him. Um hello I'm sick right now, I have already been up twice with Peyton to feed her and she is sick right now as well. Maybe I'm overreacting but it just seems like he gives me crap about it all the time. Yes I understand that he works but he has not worked this week and probably will not work because of the weather. And for some reason it always seems to work out that when I finally get Dixie to settle back down and go back to sleep Peyton wakes up to eat. Ugh I'm just tired and I know Pat is as well, I just need to vent I guess. I just wish I knew when puppies can go all night with out having to get up to go to the bathroom lol. That will be a wonderful night lol. She is worth it though don't get me wrong, but a lot of work but all worth it. So I'm looking forward to her sleeping through the night and to stop teething lol. But when you are the owner of a puppy who doesn't look forward to that.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
It's been really cold here. Today it was in the 20's again and we are supposed to be getting another snow storm tomorrow, and we still have about 3" or 4" of snow still on the ground. Pat is getting some pretty bad cabin fever, and so is Ross. I'm just used to being stuck at home most of the time I guess. I would like to get out of the house, but our drive way is a sheet of ice right now so it would be better to just stay home.
You would never know that Ross had four staples put in his head last night. Today he has been running around like a chicken with his head cut off. He has even bumped his staples a few times and did not even care.
We got our Christmas tree today, no biggy lol. We are all kinda feeling bla this year and are not going all out with everything. Money is tight and it's showing on every ones faces this year. Pat has not gone to work yet this week and probably will not go the rest of the week as well. As for next week he will only be working two days because of the holiday. So money is going to be extra tight til well after the first of the year. I know we will pull though everything and it will get better. We just have to keep praying for God to guild us, and show us what He wants us to do for Him.
You would never know that Ross had four staples put in his head last night. Today he has been running around like a chicken with his head cut off. He has even bumped his staples a few times and did not even care.
We got our Christmas tree today, no biggy lol. We are all kinda feeling bla this year and are not going all out with everything. Money is tight and it's showing on every ones faces this year. Pat has not gone to work yet this week and probably will not go the rest of the week as well. As for next week he will only be working two days because of the holiday. So money is going to be extra tight til well after the first of the year. I know we will pull though everything and it will get better. We just have to keep praying for God to guild us, and show us what He wants us to do for Him.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Ross VS. Nightstand
So today was a good day for the most part, toward the end of the day I started to feel pretty crappy since I think I'm getting sick. We were getting ready for bed, I was getting kids diapers ready for them and then it happens. I hear Ross start to scream my Dad is saying that was a big boom it will be okay. I run down the hall to see Ross siting on my Dad's lap with a bloody head. He had fallen head first into my Dad's nightstand. After looking at it I decided that he might need stitches, since Pat was in the shower I ran downstairs and told him to get out now that I needed him upstairs. I told him to bring the clippers with him as well. When Pat got upstairs we shaved a little bit of Ross's head and both agreed that he should be seen. So I had to call the advice nurse to make sure we had permission to go to a non Kiaser hospital since the roads are bad and it's 19 degrees outside. They said that was fine due to the weather, thank goodness. So we went to the Forest Grove ER, when we got there we were the only ones there. That was nice. The Dr. came in and looked at Ross and said that he needed it closed up. After talking with the Dr. about what was going to be the best way to close it we ended up going with staples. So Ross has four staples in his head now. He is asleep and resting now and will have the staples taken out in about eight days.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
The Snow!!!!!!!
Here's Dixie!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
She is home!!!
So today we went and picked up Dixie, I can't believe how good of a dog she is. She has not had one accident yet, and I hope she wont. She has barked at us every time when she needs to go potty. She is calm and wants to sleep, I know that is mostly just being a puppy but it's nice to have one that is not jumping on you 24/7. lol. She is so sweet and loving, I just know she is going to grow up to be a great family and hunting dog. Once she gets her name down we will start her training, we have already started a little I guess. We have been giving her little treats when she sits when we tell her too. It's too cute. It's also nice to not have her beg for food since she has never had table food, we would love to keep it that way but with two little kids fat chance of that happening lol. I still miss Rebal a lot, and would love to have him back in my life. Nothing and no other dog will ever replace him, but may help the pain of his loss. I will be getting another Pug when I can, that will probably be when we move out of my parents house. And who knows when that will be lol. Ross just loves having her around, but he did say today on the way to pick her up that he misses Rebal, I just told him it's okay to miss him but he is with Jesus now. So in about three weeks Dixie will go to the vet for her next set of shots and get a micro chip put in as well. We still don't know what her full name will be for her AKC papers, we are working on that one lol.
Friday, December 12, 2008
God answered my prayers
So today is a good day. So today I got up this morning and got online to look at the Bank web site to check and see how much Pats check was for. I paid the auto insurance and then called the credit union to see if we could delay our car payment by one day, since Pat get's paid the day after it's due. Well they said that was fine and there will not be a late charge either. God has answered my prayers, He has shown me his answer. He has helped us so much this last year, and it just amazes me every time he shows me something new. He is great, and wonderful. Thank you Jesus for all that You do for my family. Thank you.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
What does Christmas really mean to most people? To me it used to mean getting gifts and giving gifts and being with family. But now it means celebrating, celebrating life, celebrating Jesus and my family. I'm really not into the gifts as much and maybe because I'm older who knows. But I do know that I would rather donate my time somewhere or help others in need. I know that I would rather make a gift and get a gift that is home made. I just feel that is has more meaning that way. I'm going to try from this year on to always make almost all of my Christmas gifts. With the exception of my kids. I want them to believe in Santa, so Santa brings toys and things they want, and mommy can't always make those things lol. But I do want my kids to know about the real meaning behind Christmas and the fact that it's the birth of Christ. And when they are older I would like them to donate there time to those who needed it, even if that means just talking and spending time with someone who does not have any family around for the holidays or something like that. But I do have to say that I am so glad that Pat has truly found God, and that we are all going to church as a family, almost every Sunday. We try and make it but sometimes things come up that we just can't help.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Puppy, Puppy, Puppy
So this weekend we might be able to bring home our new puppy. I can't wait to bring her home and play with her and teach her. We still have not told my dad that we are getting a new dog, ( my mom does not want us to tell him just yet) so that will be fun when he does find out lol. It will be fun and a lot of work having a new puppy in the house. I just hope she is easy to potty train, and does not chew on too much, knock on wood lol.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Move over Betty Crocker
So today I made my first loaf of bread, and it came out great. I have been sewing and baking and cooking. I made Peyton's Christmas dress this year as well. I never thought of myself as the type to cook and sew but here I am doing it and I love it. It makes me feel so good to do things like that for my family. Since Pat's hours have been cut back at work, we have been trying to save money in any way that we can. So by sewing and baking cooking things that are cheaper than buying them is saving a lot. But I know I can do better, I can help the family out even more. I love my family more than anything in the world and I would do anything for them. The picture is of Peyton in the dress that I made her.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
So I have not blogged in a few months and a lot has been going on. About a month ago I had to put my beloved dog Rebal to sleep. That was one of the hardest things I have had to do. It was all because of money. The vet wanted 4,500 - 7,500 for surgery to fix his broken jaw and I did not have that kind of money. So he is resting in peace with Baby now.
So with that my family and I enter into a new chapter of our lives, we are getting another dog. I find it so hard to live with-out a furry companion. Yes I wish it was another Pug, but oh well. I will get another Pug someday just not now. We are getting a female chocolate lab that we have decided to call Dixie. She will be able to come home with us just before Christmas. My son Ross can't wait that is all he talks about is the new puppy. He still asks about Rebal every now and then and it just breaks my heart when he does.
Peyton is getting big. She is almost walking now, getting into everything that she shouldn't but what's new with that with a nine month old. She is still dealing with reflux pretty bad. Her Dr. said that if she is still having to be on the medication for reflux at 18 months of age then she will be sending her to a specialist to see if anything further needs to be done to help her.
So with that my family and I enter into a new chapter of our lives, we are getting another dog. I find it so hard to live with-out a furry companion. Yes I wish it was another Pug, but oh well. I will get another Pug someday just not now. We are getting a female chocolate lab that we have decided to call Dixie. She will be able to come home with us just before Christmas. My son Ross can't wait that is all he talks about is the new puppy. He still asks about Rebal every now and then and it just breaks my heart when he does.
Peyton is getting big. She is almost walking now, getting into everything that she shouldn't but what's new with that with a nine month old. She is still dealing with reflux pretty bad. Her Dr. said that if she is still having to be on the medication for reflux at 18 months of age then she will be sending her to a specialist to see if anything further needs to be done to help her.
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