So today I got to get out of the house. Pat, my Dad, Ross, and I all dug my car out and put my chains on it. It took about an hour to get it out. Then Pat took it up and down the driveway a few times to make sure it could get in and out okay. Then we went to Fred Meyers to get groceries and a few other things. It was so nice to get out of the house today, my mom went with us and the kids of course. We have about two feet of snow up here right now and they are saying that we are suppose to get another snow storm on Wednesday and I'm not looking forward to that. We are going to Mike and Wendy's on Wednesday so we will be packing the car just encase we have to stay there because of the snow and weather. Better safe than sorry if you ask me.
The news is saying this is the most snow that Oregon has seen in over 40 years. I can't believe that. The snow is pretty don't get me wrong and I love it, it makes everything thing looks clean and fresh. But enough is enough, if the roads were better then maybe it would not be so bad. Going to the store was not all that bad just slow going.