So as of today I'm 14 weeks pregnant. This pregnancy has defiantly been more of a challenge then the first two. I have gone off my medication for depression, I quit smoking, and I quit drinking caffeine. I try and catch myself when I know I'm in a bad mood so I don't take it out on the kids. But some days are harder then others.
I am happy that I don't feel like I want to throw up 24/7 any more. Now I just get a little sick feeling at night after dinner just like I did with Peyton. This pregnancy is starting to follow Peyton's pregnancy to a T. I would bet money on the fact that this is another girl. I should be getting a phone call here soon to schedule my ultrasound appointment and I can't wait to at least have a date for it.
This will be our last baby. We are done after this one, three is enough for us. Both of the kids are pretty excited about a new baby, and Ross calls the baby "my baby" as in it's his baby. Ross really wants a little brother, were Peyton keeps going back and fourth. Though I think she mostly wants a little sister. I think it would be fun to have another little girl because they are so much more fun to shop for and dress up. Boys are fun at first when they are little but when they get bigger it's pretty much jeans and a T-shirt. They dress up when they need to for something special.
So this baby will make "her" debut some time around April 25th, 2011.
Ross will also be four this coming Saturday, I can't believe I will have a four year old and almost three year old with one on the way.
As for the trailer living things are going pretty good. We have our moments but I'm sure we would weather we are in this trailer or a house or even an apartment. The only thing I'm still working on is where the kids sleep. I need to try and come up with a way to put a wall of some sort up there between the two of them. Peyton just loves to pick on her brother at night and try and beat him up, her newest thing is biting him at night.