I'm a stay at home mom of three soon to be four little ones. We are so blessed to have two girls and two boys in our lives.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Wow it's been a while
So it's been a while since I have posted anything and a lot has been going on. I have started an online website store for my hair bows and other little things that I make. I will put a link in in just a bit. The kids are getting big, too big if you ask me. I wish they would slow down. Ross just turned three in October and Peyton will be two in March. Where has the time gone. Pat and I are doing great, still living with my parents and that is working out about as well as it can with all of us under one roof. But we make it work.
So back to the website. I have lots of cute hair bows on there, some woven headbands, "I Spy" bags, and will be adding more soon. This website is just temporary for right now. After the first of the year I will have my own domain name with my own website. But hey I had to get started somewhere. Please stop by and check it out. Peyton's Pantry
Monday, August 24, 2009
I want to feel better
So today I e-mailed my doctor about the fact that since I can remember I have always been tired. I have always tried to get enough sleep, and eat right, and try and not sit on my butt all day long. But I'm sick of it. I want to be able to keep up with my kids, and right now I feel that I can't and it's not fair to them. I want to take them to the park, and play with them and not just want to sleep all the time. It seems like no matter what I do I can't stay awake during the day with out a nap. I have had my thyroid check ever year since I know that that problem runs in the family, so it was checked not too long ago. So now I have to wait and hear from the doctor, I hope I hear from them soon. I want to feel better.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
So a good friend of mine turned me onto this website called Swagbucks.com they pretty much pay you to surf the web like you normally would. The search engines are run through Google and Ask, so you will get the same links you normally would if you searched through Google. Only Google does not pay you to search there website, Swagbucks does. I'm sure there are a lot of people out there who are thinking that it's a scam but really it's not. You don't get junk mail from them, if you don't sign up for the newsletter, and you should you get free Swagbucks that way, then you don't even get any mail from them at all. I have not gotten any spam from signing up with them at all. I almost have enough Swagbucks to get some money into my paypal account. Yes you need 70 SB (swagbucks) for 5 dollars for paypal, but hello it's free money. You did not have to do anything to earn that 5 bucks. All you had to do was search the internet as you normally would on any other given day and you get paid to do so. You can get all sorts of prizes from SB, you can turn in things and get more SB as well. It's something you should at least look at and check it out. http://www.swagbucks.com/refer/plsargent
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Twenties Girl by Sophie Kinsella
So I just got done reading a book called "Twenties Girl". I thought it was a really good book, a little hard at first for me to get into it, but once I did I was hooked and could not put it down. The main character is visited, well most harassed by her great dead aunt, her aunt wants her to find some necklace for her. It's a great little mystery with a love twist thrown in with it. If you like love stories that are not overly sappy, with a mystery and some good old family drama tied in then this is the book for you. "Twenties Girl" is by Sophie Kinsella. Very well written, I would highly recommend this book to be put on your "need to read" list.
Friday, August 21, 2009
No Money=Deep cleaning
So after paying the bills today, since today was payday, we now have no money. But I look at it as a good thing. I look at it as God's way of telling me to stay home and get some things done around here. I need to do a deep clean on the downstairs, and get some laundry done. I need to go through stuff and get rid of things that we don't need or use anymore, and who knows maybe we can find some things to sell and then we will have a little extra money. But I'm not holding my breath on that one. :) So today I will keep working on the laundry, and make a list of things I want to get done in the next week. So wish me luck!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Get rid of the junk
So I have been thinking and watching Wife Swap. Well the one that is on today is about a woman who organizes everything, and I do mean everything. It got me thinking that I need to clean out the down stairs, and go through stuff that we don't use anymore. We live in a cramped space and we should make it more like our home down there. Who knows maybe we can even have a little garage sale or something. So now I just need to get Pat on board with it, that will make things much easier if he helps out. I know that I have a lot of clothes that I don't wear anymore that I can get rid of, and I'm sure I need to go through the kids clothes to see if there are some that don't fit them anymore. So I almost have my plan all ready to go, now I just have to put it into action. That will be the hard part since I'm a lazy person and I know that about myself. That is one thing I'm going to work really hard on changing about myself. I need to keep things picked up better for me and for my family. It's not fair to them that I'm a stay at home mom and the house is still a mess most of the time. So pray for me that I can get my tooshie into gear. I did find a good web site for helping people get organized http://notebook.organizedhome.com/ so I hope this helps some people out.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Back in the saddle
So this last weekend I went for a ride on my horse for the first time in almost a year. The last time I went for a ride my back and my knees where hurting me so bad, I had a hard time walking for almost a week. Well this time was different. Yes I was sore the next day, but only in my back. And by the third day I felt fine. So I'm going to try and go for another ride this week, or this weekend. I really hope I can start riding again, I miss it a lot. I'm sure my horse does not since she was all fat and happy in the pasture eating, sleeping, and pooping. But she will just have to get over it I guess. Also our good friend Ross Adams, was out and he is riding and breaking our five year old horse. He did awesome. Both rider and horse. This was Rhythms first real ride, Ross had gotten on his back a few days before the ride for about five minuets and that was it. He did not try to throw him off or anything. I can't wait to ride again.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
So today Ross had an interview for a preschool in town. They wanted to meet him since he will not be three by the first of September. Well after meeting with the teacher she thought he was ready. So Ross will be starting preschool next month. He keeps asking if he can go to school tomorrow. He is so excited about going to school. We went out tonight and got him his first backpack. He likes the ones with wheels on them so that is what he got. I'm waiting for his supply list and then we will go get those as well. My little baby boy is growing up to fast. Yet I know that preschool will be so good for him. He needs to be challenged, and have time to interact with other kids his own age. He will be going two times a week for two and a half hours each day that he goes. Plus it will be nice to get some alone time to spend with Peyton, and I know I could sure use the break once in a while from chasing both kids around all day. I'm happy and sad all at the same time with him going to school.
Monday, August 10, 2009
New Truck
So this last weekend Pat and I traded in our excursion for an F350. We got such a good deal on this truck, I have never been anywhere where they wanted my car so bad. They were not going to let us leave with our excursion. I will try and post a picture of the truck in the next few days.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Screw you DHS
So today my Mom had a meeting with DHS about my Grandma. It was time to renew my Grandmas paperwork. Well since the last meeting she has been put on some memory medication, this medicine has been a such a blessing. My Grandma was seeing my dead Grandpa, and supposedly he had a pregnant girlfriend and a few other things going on with him as well. Like I said he is dead. Well since being put on this new medication she no longer see's my Grandpa and realizes that he is passed away and up in heaven with God. We can actually have a conversation with her and it will make sense now. She is very happy with where she is living right now, in an assisted living place where they administer her medication to her, so she does not miss a does or abuse it either. She is very happy there and doing great. She is involved in groups and activities and has even made some friends as well. This place has been very good for her. So to get to my point about hatting DHS. So my Mom was informed in this meeting today that since my Grandma is now coherent and can take better care of herself, because of this new medication, that she is no longer qualifies for there services. Um HELLO PEOPLE! If you make her move and don't help take care of her, she will not be taking her medication right and will no longer be coherent. What is wrong with the system today. We already have three generations living under one roof at our house. If they don't take care of my Grandma I don't know who will. We can not afford to keep her where she is with out state assistance. Yes we could move her into our already crowed house and make it even more crowed. Yes we would do that, no we are not going to just dump her on the street. But we have enough stress as a family right now to deal with, and then adding this on top of it just makes everything worse right now. What is wrong with our systems right now. I thought they were suppose to help us, and help take care of us as we get older. Is that not why we pay into social security for our whole working lives. I'm so mad right now I just want to scream. Mad at DHS for doing this to my Grandma, mad that my mom has to add one more thing to her stress level that is already sky high. I know God says that everything happens for a reason, and that we need to trust in Him, and I do. I just wish that he would give me a little clue as to why this is all happening at once. I know it does not work that way and sometimes it will take a while to see why things happen. I just have to keep praying and trusting in Him. Knowing that it will all work out in the end.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Musical Cars
So today my Mom is going to trade in two of their cars for one truck. This will lower their car payments by a lot. One of the trucks that she is trading in is already paid off, the other is not. So Pat and I will be going with her since she can't drive two cars at once. So this should make for a fun day. Car shopping with my Mom, ugh, and the fact that we have Peyton to drag along with us should make it all the more fun for all of us. So much for going to the lake today.
Friday, July 31, 2009
So I did a boo boo. I forgot about an automatic payment that comes out of our checking account and we overdrew the checking account. Yes our savings is hooked up to draw money out of it in case this happens, but in order for that to work you actually need to have money in the savings account. Go figure. So I'm going to work extra hard to get money in our savings account and keep it there. But I do know that in the past I have been able to get money into our savings and something always seems to happen and we have to use that money, and then poof it's gone faster than I could put it there. It just seems like I'm on a mouse wheel running around and around getting nowhere. I need to get off the wheel and actually start moving forward instead of running in place like we have been. It seems like we take one step forward and then two or three steps back. I know that all our hard work in keeping up with our bills, and paying on time and making more than the minimum (when we can) will pay off in the end. But it just seems like it's taking forever to get there. It just sucks that the whole world revolves around money no matter what part of the world you live in.
Cloth Diapers and saving money
Lets see where to start. I use cloth diapers during the day time with both of my kids. I use disposable ones at night because it just burns there skin from the pee at night. For a lot of kids cloth works just fine at night, but not for my two little ones. I can't even begin to add up now much money I have saved using cloth diapers. I use a "pocket" diaper when I go out, and a pre-fold with a cover while I'm at home. The pocket diapers a way too cute. They come in so many colors and patterns depending on what brand you buy. I found that if you buy the "one-size-fits-all" you get your moneys worth out of them. I have used the pocket diapers on my daughter since birth, and they still fit her to this day and she is almost 17 months old. I also found that by cutting up some fleece from the craft store and putting it in the diaper like a liner that with the pre-fold diapers it helps keep the kids dryer, plus when they poop in the diaper it makes it much easier to clean up. The poop does not really sick to the fleece.
I have also found that a lot of the wipes out there can be washed in the washing machine and used again. I found this to be very helpful when money was extra tight and could not afford to buy wipes. I do use cloth wipes for the pee diapers, and then the washed store bought ones for the poopy diapers. I don't normally take my cloth wipes with me when I go out so that is how I get a lot of my disposable ones washed to use again.
Clothes line. My clothes line is one of my best friends in the summer. My cloth diapers always have a little smell to them no matter how much I wash, soak, or anything else I have tried. But the sun helps takes the smell and any stains right out. Plus I save money by not having to use the dryer as much either. I always hang my pocket diapers and covers up to dry year around, it helps them last longer that way.
Diaper creams. When using cloth diapers you have to be more careful about what kind of creams you use. Yet if you use the fleece liners in the diapers then you don't really have to worry about messing up your diapers. Fleece is cheap enough that you can just throw them away if they get to messy. If you are going to buy some fleece check your local fabric store and look in the remnants basket first. Most of the time less than one yard will give you plenty of liners.
Paper liners. They do make paper liners that you can place inside the diaper and then just take that up and flush it when it's been pooped on. Some you can wash and reuse a few times. But after a while I found it to be more of a pain than anything. Plus a waste of money as well. In a way using the paper liners is defeating the purposes of saving money with cloth diapers.
I have also found that a lot of the wipes out there can be washed in the washing machine and used again. I found this to be very helpful when money was extra tight and could not afford to buy wipes. I do use cloth wipes for the pee diapers, and then the washed store bought ones for the poopy diapers. I don't normally take my cloth wipes with me when I go out so that is how I get a lot of my disposable ones washed to use again.
Clothes line. My clothes line is one of my best friends in the summer. My cloth diapers always have a little smell to them no matter how much I wash, soak, or anything else I have tried. But the sun helps takes the smell and any stains right out. Plus I save money by not having to use the dryer as much either. I always hang my pocket diapers and covers up to dry year around, it helps them last longer that way.
Diaper creams. When using cloth diapers you have to be more careful about what kind of creams you use. Yet if you use the fleece liners in the diapers then you don't really have to worry about messing up your diapers. Fleece is cheap enough that you can just throw them away if they get to messy. If you are going to buy some fleece check your local fabric store and look in the remnants basket first. Most of the time less than one yard will give you plenty of liners.
Paper liners. They do make paper liners that you can place inside the diaper and then just take that up and flush it when it's been pooped on. Some you can wash and reuse a few times. But after a while I found it to be more of a pain than anything. Plus a waste of money as well. In a way using the paper liners is defeating the purposes of saving money with cloth diapers.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Moving around
So today Pat and I moved our bed into the downstairs living room. The kids now have their own room. The main reason for this is because the kids where keeping Pat up at night, and he was having a hard time waking up for work on time. Thus the reason he was late to work two times this week. Oops. I have to get used to this because I will have to be more quiet at night now. I can't sew at night like I used to, I can't keep the light on to read anymore. So I will have to adjust. I know it will be for the best but it will take time.
Since living with my parents we have all had to make sacrifices, I'm trying to make the best of the situation. We all have our hard times and yes we get on each others nerves a lot. But we know that this is for the best for our family. We are trying to make it though theses hard times just like everyone else out there. We do plan to buy a house that is more set up for two families living together somewhere down the road. But who knows how long that will take. Until then we just have to make due with what we have here and now.
Since living with my parents we have all had to make sacrifices, I'm trying to make the best of the situation. We all have our hard times and yes we get on each others nerves a lot. But we know that this is for the best for our family. We are trying to make it though theses hard times just like everyone else out there. We do plan to buy a house that is more set up for two families living together somewhere down the road. But who knows how long that will take. Until then we just have to make due with what we have here and now.
Well for the second time this week Pat woke up late for work. Today I'm pretty sure the problem was Ross messed with the alarm clock. I feel really bad for him, because he really tries to make it to work on time everyday. His job is on a points system and since he has now reached 8 points he will be suspended for one day. If he reaches 10 points he will be fired. With the way everything is right now, losing his job would be devastating. I'm trying to help him wake up in the morning, I even started sleeping on the other side of the bed so that Pat wont just shut the alarm off in his sleep. He has done that before more than once. I feel awful about this this morning, so much so that I can't fall back asleep yet. And trust me I need to go back to sleep if I'm going to be able to chase the kids around today. So if anyone has any ideas on how to help Pat wake up better in the morning, please please leave me a comment. We need some new ideas so he does not lose his job.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
What's New with me
Well lets see, Peyton is getting way to big, she can stop growing now. Ross is in the oh so wonderful "why" stage. I can't wait for it to end already. Peyton got her first concussion the other day, Ross hit her right in the middle of her forehead with the swing and then she smacked her head on the deck. It was oh so much fun to have to wake her up every two hours throughout the night. She is just fine now thank goodness.
My mom was diagnosed with COPD a few days ago, and since I was the biggest moron and started smoking again I'm determined to stop, again. I have already been back to the hypnotist once and I'm going back again tomorrow. I will keep going back until I stop again.
I finally finished Peyton's quilt the other day. I have started on another one for a Christmas gift and have another one I need to start as well. I really hope I can get them done in time, or at least the front of them to show them as the gift then take them back and finish them.
We just spent the weekend at Browns Camp, camping this last weekend and had a blast. We are planning another camping trip to Coos Bay for the last weekend in August and I can't wait. I have never been there before. I have been told that I'm in for a real treat going there. Since I have never been anywhere but Sand Lake. I feel that I'm getting much better at riding my quad, gaining more experience with my riding.
Well I guess that is all I have for now.
My mom was diagnosed with COPD a few days ago, and since I was the biggest moron and started smoking again I'm determined to stop, again. I have already been back to the hypnotist once and I'm going back again tomorrow. I will keep going back until I stop again.
I finally finished Peyton's quilt the other day. I have started on another one for a Christmas gift and have another one I need to start as well. I really hope I can get them done in time, or at least the front of them to show them as the gift then take them back and finish them.
We just spent the weekend at Browns Camp, camping this last weekend and had a blast. We are planning another camping trip to Coos Bay for the last weekend in August and I can't wait. I have never been there before. I have been told that I'm in for a real treat going there. Since I have never been anywhere but Sand Lake. I feel that I'm getting much better at riding my quad, gaining more experience with my riding.
Well I guess that is all I have for now.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Sand Lake
So tomorrow we are going to Sand Lake and I can't wait. I think the best part will be the fact that I'm going with out the kids. This will be the longest I will ever be away from Peyton. I really hope that she will be good for my Mom and Dad and not get them a hard time. I'm going to miss my little ones, but it will be nice to just be a woman for a day and not a mom so to say.
I got a pedicure for the first time today in over a year, and oh my gosh it was so nice. I missed having those. I also got my eyebrows waxed and my upper lip. Now if I could just fall asleep.
I got a pedicure for the first time today in over a year, and oh my gosh it was so nice. I missed having those. I also got my eyebrows waxed and my upper lip. Now if I could just fall asleep.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Hurt Feelers
So I got my feelings hurt today, but I guess it was my own fault. I assumed something I should not have, well I tried really hard not to assume but my mind got the best of me. A good friend of mine, well I think she is a good friend, is getting married. Today I went with her to look at wedding dresses and I asked her if she has picked her bridesmaids yet. She named off four or five girls, me not being one of them. She was one of my bridesmaids in my wedding. She calls me for advice and to vent to me all the time. I was even going to front the money for a plane ticket for her once when her boyfriend was getting a little physical with her. But I guess I think of her as a better friend than she thinks of me. I knew I should not of assumed anything and I did. Well assume starts with ass, and that is what I am for assuming that. We have been friends since 6th grade, we cute our hair the same, dressed the same, painted our faces black and white for our softball games. But she became a party girl after high school, and a little in high school and I was a country girl. I knew we traveled in different circles but always thought we were like sisters at heart. I'm glad I can vent this hear and she will not read it. I don't want to make her sad or mad. It's her wedding and I will help her in any way that I can no matter what. It's her day, she is the queen for all of this. I will stand behind her 100% even if it's just as a friend sitting in a chair watching her walk down the isle.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Life is still going on
So a lot has been going on around here. Got a new laptop, so nice love it. In the process of getting life insurance for Pat, me and the kids. And I think I'm going to get my IUD taken out. It just makes me really nervous having it. I have taken two pregnancy tests ( two different times) since I have had it. And it really made me think, that if I were to get pregnant while having the IUD it would most likely end badly. I don't like to think about that. So I made an apt for my yearly check up next month and will be talking with my Mid-Wife about what to do. I'm still breastfeeding so my options are limited. Pat does not want me to go on the pill because I'm really bad about remembering to take it. But I don't care I will get better at remembering and we might have to use a back up method a little more often. Plus I would not mind having another little one running around. I have always said I wanted more than two kids I wanted more like four Pat said two so I think three would be a good compromise.
So I started Slimfast last week to try and lose some more of this baby weight. So far well I was doing great until Pat and I went out on a date night. So that pretty much put me back at square one after that night, oh well. I will just have to work that much harder to lose that weight that I had already lost again. But I'm going to lose the rest of this baby weight, and I hope a little more after that. I know I don't need to worry to much about it, from what I have read I'm smaller than the average woman. Which in a way makes me feel good and then it does not. I see people everywhere with big bellies, big legs, behinds, and just big all over. I don't want to let myself get like that. I don't want people staring at me when I'm at a resturnat and have them thinking "Oh my look at her and what she is eating, she so does not need that". I know because I think that way about people sometimes, and I know I shouldn't it's not nice and I don't know their story. But sometimes I just can't help it. I guess it's human nature.
So back to the wanting another baby part. I do want another baby, I think someone needs to smack me but that's another blog. I know we are still living with my Mom and Dad, but we are not getting any younger. I don't want my kids to be far apart in age. I want them to grow up together and play together. But yet I want my own house so bad. I want to get out of here, to be out on our own. Not having my Mom look over my shoulder all the time. Another baby would set that all back I know that. But there is also a part of me that feels like we will never be able to get our own house. If I went back to work then we would be able to get a house sooner. I see our friends with their homes, and having what they want their way and I'm jealous. I know it sounds dumb, but I want my own space so bad I could just scream. I mean we stuffed our two bedroom house into my parents already full house. So there is not much space around here. Ross sleeps in our closet which happens to be a walk in so it's like his own little room and that's nice. Peyton's crib is right next to our bed, a nightstand is in between our bed and her crib. Which means I can only use a small corner of the night stand because she can reach through and grab stuff, which she does all the time.
But with the way everything is right now, so many people losing their jobs and their homes, I am grateful for being here don't get me wrong. I just want space. Space to spread out, space to leave a mess and not have my Mommy telling me to clean it up, space to leave a basket of clean laundry folded for a few days or even a week if I want to. Leave dinner dishes in the sink and not get yelled at it about it. I have heard so many people say they wished they would of not worried so much about keeping a clean house and spend more time with their family. My Mom can't stand to have a dirty house. She freaks and I mean freaks out if someone is coming over and there are things out of place, and it could be someone that comes over all the time like her best friend or one of my best friends does not matter. I can't stand that part. It stresses her out to no end and I know that is not good for her health. Now my Moms health that is a whole other story. I wont even start to get into that one tonight, not enough time and I'm just to tired. I will save that one for another blog.
So I started Slimfast last week to try and lose some more of this baby weight. So far well I was doing great until Pat and I went out on a date night. So that pretty much put me back at square one after that night, oh well. I will just have to work that much harder to lose that weight that I had already lost again. But I'm going to lose the rest of this baby weight, and I hope a little more after that. I know I don't need to worry to much about it, from what I have read I'm smaller than the average woman. Which in a way makes me feel good and then it does not. I see people everywhere with big bellies, big legs, behinds, and just big all over. I don't want to let myself get like that. I don't want people staring at me when I'm at a resturnat and have them thinking "Oh my look at her and what she is eating, she so does not need that". I know because I think that way about people sometimes, and I know I shouldn't it's not nice and I don't know their story. But sometimes I just can't help it. I guess it's human nature.
So back to the wanting another baby part. I do want another baby, I think someone needs to smack me but that's another blog. I know we are still living with my Mom and Dad, but we are not getting any younger. I don't want my kids to be far apart in age. I want them to grow up together and play together. But yet I want my own house so bad. I want to get out of here, to be out on our own. Not having my Mom look over my shoulder all the time. Another baby would set that all back I know that. But there is also a part of me that feels like we will never be able to get our own house. If I went back to work then we would be able to get a house sooner. I see our friends with their homes, and having what they want their way and I'm jealous. I know it sounds dumb, but I want my own space so bad I could just scream. I mean we stuffed our two bedroom house into my parents already full house. So there is not much space around here. Ross sleeps in our closet which happens to be a walk in so it's like his own little room and that's nice. Peyton's crib is right next to our bed, a nightstand is in between our bed and her crib. Which means I can only use a small corner of the night stand because she can reach through and grab stuff, which she does all the time.
But with the way everything is right now, so many people losing their jobs and their homes, I am grateful for being here don't get me wrong. I just want space. Space to spread out, space to leave a mess and not have my Mommy telling me to clean it up, space to leave a basket of clean laundry folded for a few days or even a week if I want to. Leave dinner dishes in the sink and not get yelled at it about it. I have heard so many people say they wished they would of not worried so much about keeping a clean house and spend more time with their family. My Mom can't stand to have a dirty house. She freaks and I mean freaks out if someone is coming over and there are things out of place, and it could be someone that comes over all the time like her best friend or one of my best friends does not matter. I can't stand that part. It stresses her out to no end and I know that is not good for her health. Now my Moms health that is a whole other story. I wont even start to get into that one tonight, not enough time and I'm just to tired. I will save that one for another blog.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
New Tattoo
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Monday will be a sad day
So tomorrow is my daughters first birthday party. I'm happy that she is growing up and becoming a big girl, and yet I'm sad. She will not be a baby anymore, she will still be my little girl no matter what but not a baby. I will miss that. Even though she is still nursing so we will still have that for a little while, ( I want to let her choose when she wants to stop, well for the most part I'm not nursing a 4 year old lol).
So I invited my birth mother to Peyton's party and I'm a little nervous about it. I talked to her for the first time in almost two years about a week ago. I stopped talking to her because she was just to pushy and I could not take it. I needed time so I just cut everything off. In a way I feel bad and in a way I don't. Part of the reason I'm giving it another shot is because of my sister and the fact that she has a son now. I just feel like I should help her some how. Even though she is living with Lynn (my birth mother) and Lynn is helping her. I just felt that she tried to be my "mom" and my mom she is not. I'm very grateful that she gave me up for adoption, and the sacrifice she gave for me. I have the up most respect for her in that sense. And I was talking to my mom about why I stopped talking to Lynn and she said that to Lynn I was her child, in her mind I have always been her child and I can understand that and see that now. I guess I'm just protective of my mom since I'm an only child. Who knows maybe if I was not an only child I would still feel the same. So we will see how tomorrow goes. Hopefully everything will go smooth. I will let y'all know how it goes.
So I invited my birth mother to Peyton's party and I'm a little nervous about it. I talked to her for the first time in almost two years about a week ago. I stopped talking to her because she was just to pushy and I could not take it. I needed time so I just cut everything off. In a way I feel bad and in a way I don't. Part of the reason I'm giving it another shot is because of my sister and the fact that she has a son now. I just feel like I should help her some how. Even though she is living with Lynn (my birth mother) and Lynn is helping her. I just felt that she tried to be my "mom" and my mom she is not. I'm very grateful that she gave me up for adoption, and the sacrifice she gave for me. I have the up most respect for her in that sense. And I was talking to my mom about why I stopped talking to Lynn and she said that to Lynn I was her child, in her mind I have always been her child and I can understand that and see that now. I guess I'm just protective of my mom since I'm an only child. Who knows maybe if I was not an only child I would still feel the same. So we will see how tomorrow goes. Hopefully everything will go smooth. I will let y'all know how it goes.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Time to catch up
So it's been a while since I have blogged and I kind of missed it to say the least. So I got a new car, a 2004 Ford Excursion, and I love it. It's so nice to drive and I have as much space as I could ever want with the kids and the dog. It's a diesel and 4x4. It's fully loaded with leather and everything. It even has some aftermarket goodies on it as well.
So Peyton is going to be one on Monday and I just want to cry. I don't want my baby to grow up. I want her stay little and cuddle with me. It kind of makes me want to have another baby. But not while we are living with my parents that's not going to happen so it's out of the question right now. Since I have an IUD and oops probably will not happen either. Oh well, I do think I want to have at least one more baby but we will see.
Pat is doing really well with his job, he is going to be moving to days soon. Which he is not happy about since he is not a morning person at all. But oh well. He did get his hours cut way back at work from 50 a week down to 40 a week, but with a lot of people losing there jobs I can't complain. I'm very thankful for the job he has and for all that God has provided for us.
OK I think i need to go to bed I have had a glass and a half of wine tonight and it's catching up with me.
So Peyton is going to be one on Monday and I just want to cry. I don't want my baby to grow up. I want her stay little and cuddle with me. It kind of makes me want to have another baby. But not while we are living with my parents that's not going to happen so it's out of the question right now. Since I have an IUD and oops probably will not happen either. Oh well, I do think I want to have at least one more baby but we will see.
Pat is doing really well with his job, he is going to be moving to days soon. Which he is not happy about since he is not a morning person at all. But oh well. He did get his hours cut way back at work from 50 a week down to 40 a week, but with a lot of people losing there jobs I can't complain. I'm very thankful for the job he has and for all that God has provided for us.
OK I think i need to go to bed I have had a glass and a half of wine tonight and it's catching up with me.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Bye Bye Chevy
So tonight while on the way home from trading our boat for Bronco we were in a car accident. I'm so thankful that everyone is okay and no one got seriously hurt. I did hurt my foot and ankle but I will live. Peyton was in the car with us as well and I'm so thankful to God that she is okay. I really feel that He was watching over us and had His hand on us the whole time. Our car is in pretty bad shape. I would be surprised if it was not totaled, but the Bronco that we were towing does not have a scratch on it.
So tomorrow is going to be a long day. I have to deal with insurance and we have to get two new car seats for the kids, and we have to go and clean out the Chevy and pick the Bronco up were we parked it. We were in Washington when we wrecked so it will be a fun day tomorrow.
Pat did say that he did not like my car lol. Well now we might be getting a new one.
So tomorrow is going to be a long day. I have to deal with insurance and we have to get two new car seats for the kids, and we have to go and clean out the Chevy and pick the Bronco up were we parked it. We were in Washington when we wrecked so it will be a fun day tomorrow.
Pat did say that he did not like my car lol. Well now we might be getting a new one.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
I feel like I need more sleep yet when I go to bed my body and mind wont let me go to sleep until Peyton wakes up for her 12am feeding. It's really starting to wear on me.
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